
More bread today. St Patrick’s Day is coming up so I’m making Irish soda bread for our friends and family. Today was a single small loaf to make sure it would come out well. I think I’ll make it just a tad bit wetter and add a touch more baking soda for the actual performance. Making Irish soda bread isn’t quite as magical as bread baking but it’s a very good excuse to eat raisins and bread together.

I’ve planted some herb seeds and I have to water them twice a day to keep them moist. There’s nothing better than walking out to the yard from the kitchen with a pair of scissors and snipping my own herbs.  The bed gets watered and the sun is warm , the day is bright and breezy, and each time I water I look closely to see if the first seedling has emerged yet. Not yet. But when it does, talk about magic! A complete plant from a seed, just add water!. It’s the miracle of birth in the plant kingdom, happens all the time.

Here in Florida we have a little bit easier time with growing things. There are many plants that I can simply take a cutting and stick it in moist soil and it grows. Just skip the seed part. What a magical place we live in.

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